Metabolic Core
CLAMS Oxymax Metabolic Cages
Supported by the Stanford Diabetes Research Center, SDRC P30DK116074, we provide access to a cutting-edge resource for the measurement and analysis of metabolism in mice using CLAMS-HC Oxymax, Comprehensive Lab Animal Monitoring System for home cages by Columbus Instruments. This instrument can markedly accelerate research and discovery in areas of metabolism, including obesity, diabetes, muscle function, exercise, fatty liver disease, and cancer.
This instrument is part of SDRC and is directed by Katrin Svensson.
The system has 8 cages for singly housed mice. A typical experiment lasts up to 1 week depending on the required measurements and experimental conditions. The HC-CLAMS measures the following parameters in real-time in live, conscious, and unrestrained mice in their home cages:
Oxygen consumption (VO2)
Carbon dioxide production (VCO2)
Respiratory exchange ratio (RER)
Analysis of the oxidation of mixtures of carbohydrate and fat (heat)
Food intake
Water intake
Locomotor activity
Experimental setup and Data Analysis
We will assist with the experimental setup and data analysis for your experiment using state-of-the-art methods. We charge a small subsidized fee for these services. A typical experiment will be around $500.
Please thank the Stanford Islet Research Core in all publications that result from our services, as this will greatly improve future Diabetes Research Center grant renewals.
“Data was obtained using the services of the Stanford Islet Research Core facility of the Stanford Diabetes Research Center which is supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number P30DK116074.”